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小学 当前位置: 首页 > 小学   

Unit 1:computer(计算机)  board(写字板)  fan(风扇)  light(灯)  this(这;这个)is(是)my(我的)  that(那;那个)  your(你的)  teacher’s desk(讲台)picture(图画;照片)  wall(墙壁)  floor(地板)  yes(是;是的)  it(它)
句子: 1. --- Where is the ______?   --- It's ________.
2. Go to _______.    3. This / That is _______.
4. --- Is this / that / the /a _______?  --- Yes, it is. / No, it isn't. / No, it is _______.
Unit2 one(一)  two(二)  three(三)  four(四)  five(五)  six(六 )seven(七)  eight(八)  nine(九)  ten(十)  what(什么)  time(时间) it’s=it is  …o’clock(…点钟)  math(数学)  Chinese(语文)English(英语)  P.E.(体育)  music(音乐)  for(为;给)  class(课程)
句子:1. --- What time is it?
--- It's _____. / It's time for _____. Let's _____. / It's time to _______.
Unit 3:jacket(夹克衫)  shirt(衬衫)  skirt(裙子)  dress(连衣裙)  T-shirt(T恤衫)  red(红色的)  blue(蓝色的)  yellow(黄色的)  green(绿色的)  white(白色的)  no(不;不是)  not(不;不是的)  colour(颜色)
句子:1. I like _______ (colour) _______ (clothes). 2. These / those are _______.
3. Where is my ______?   4. --- What colour is it?   --- It's _______.
5. --- Is this your _______ (clothes)?   --- Yes, it is. / No, it's _______.
6. --- Whose is it?    --- It's _______.
Unit 4:warm(暖和的)  cold(寒冷的)  cool(凉爽的)  today(今天)  jeans(牛仔裤)  pants(长裤)  socks(袜子)  shoes(鞋子)  let’s=let us  play(玩;踢)  football(足球)  snowy(下雪的)  sunny(晴朗的)
句子:1. It's _____ (天气状况) today. It's _____ in ______(某地).
2. --- Can I wear my _____?
--- Yes, you can. / No, you can't. It's ____ today. You can wear _______.
3. Put on your______. Take off your_____.
4. --- What's the weather like in _______?--- It's ______ today.
Unit 5: how much(多少钱)    big(大的)    small(小的)   long(长的)  short(短的)
apple(苹果)   banana(香蕉)   pear(梨)  orange(橙子)  watermelon(西瓜)   are(是)
句子:1. Look at ______. It's _____.   2. --- Can I help you?    --- Yes.
3. --- How much is ______?  --- It's _____ yuan.  
--- How much are they?   --- They are _______.
4. This _______ is _______, but it's too______.
5. --- Can I help you?   --- Yes, I want ______.
6. Put on your _______.
Unit 6:horse(马)   aren’t=are not  cat(猫) rabbit(兔子) pig(猪)duck(鸭子)  dog(狗)  eleven(十一)  twelve(十二)  thirteen(十三)fifteen(十五)  twenty(二十)  how many(多少)  there(那儿;那里)
句子:1. --- What are they / these / those?   --- They are _______.
2. --- Are they / these / those _____?  --- Yes, they are. / No, they aren't.
3. --- How many _____are there?    --- _______.
Unit 1:My New Teachers、话题:校园生活 、时态:一般现在时
Young (年轻的)   funny (滑稽可笑的)   tall (高的)strong (强壮的)   kind (和蔼的、亲切的)   old (年老的)   short(矮的)thin   (瘦的) Mr(先生) 
 like (像、喜欢)   strict (严格的)smart (聪明的、巧妙的)   active (积极的、活跃的)  quiet (安静的、文静的)very(很、非常) 
 but (但是)
1. Who,What引导的特殊疑问句,用来对不熟悉的老师进行问答:Who's + 某人?What's he / she like? He / She is + 与身体特征和性格特征有关的形容词。例:A: Who's your English teacher?    B: Mr. Carter.
A: What's he like?      B: He's tall and strong.
2. Is引导的一般疑问句,谈论某位老师是否具有某方面的特征:Is he / she + 与身体特征和性格特征有关的形容词,回答用:Yes, he / she is. No, he / she isn't. 例:
A: Is she quiet?     B: Yes, she is.
Unit 2:My Days of the Week、星期和学校、周末活动、时态:一般现在时
Monday (星期一)Tuesday (星期二)  Wednesday (星期三)   Thursday
(星期四)   Friday (星期五)   Saturday (星期六)   Sunday (星期天)
day (天)   have (有、吃)   on (在…..时候) do  homework (做作业)
watch  TV (看电视)   read  books (读书)
1. 用 ---What day is it today? --- It's + 星期几,来谈论一个星期的某一天。例:
A: What day is it today?    B: It's Wednesday.
2. What引导的特殊疑问句,谈论学校课程:What do you have on + 星期几。We have + 课程。例:
A: What do you have on Thursdays?
B: We have English, math and science on Thursdays.
3. What引导的特殊疑问句,围绕周末活动展开的交际::What do you do on Saturdays / Sundays? I + 行为活动 + on Saturdays/Sundays. 例:
A: What do you do on Saturdays?    B: I watch TV on Saturdays.
Unit 3:What's Your Favourite Food? 话题:食物、时态:一般现在时
eggplant (茄子)   fish (鱼)   green beans (青豆)   tofu (豆腐)potato (土豆)   tomato (西红柿)   for (为)   lunch (中餐)   we(我们)   tasty (好吃的)   sweet (甜的)   sour (酸的)   fresh(新鲜的)   salty (咸的)   favourite (最喜欢的)   they are (他们是)fruit (水果) grape (葡萄)
1. What引导的特殊疑问句,就一日三餐进行交际:What do you have for breakfast / lunch / dinner on + 星期几,回答用:We have + 食物。例:
A: What do you have for lunch on Mondays?  B: We have tomatoes, tofu and fish.
2. What引导的特殊疑问句,谈论自己最喜爱的食物, 并简要说明原因:What's your favourite fruit / food? I like + 食物。例:
A: What's your favourite fruit?    B: I like apples. They are sweet.
Unit 4:What Can You Do? 话题:日常生活、时态:一般现在时
Cook the meals (烧饭)   water the flowers (浇花)   sweep the floor (扫地)   clean the bedroom (打扫卧室)   make the bed(铺床)   set the table (摆饭桌)wash the clothes (洗碗碟)   do the dishes (收拾衣服)   use a computer (使用计算机)
1. What引导的特殊疑问句,围绕学生熟悉的日常生活进行问答:What can you do? I can + 家务劳动。例:
A: What can you do?    B: I can sweep the floor.
2. Can引导的一般疑问句,就同伴会不会干某项家务进行交际:Can you + 家务劳动?Yes, I can. / No, I can't. 例:
A: Can you make the bed?   B: No, I can't.
Unit 5:My New Room、话题:家,住宅、时态:一般现在时
curtain (空调)   trash bin (垃圾箱)   closet (壁橱)  mirror(镜子)   end table (床头柜)   bedroom (卧室)   kitchen (厨房)bathroom (卫生间)   living room (客厅)   in (在…里面)   on(在…上面)   under (在…下面)   near (在..旁边)   behind (在…后边)clothes (衣服)
1. There be句型,某地有某物:There is / are + 家具。例:
There are two bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a living room.
2. 用方位词准确描述家具的相对位置:--- Where is / are + 家具?--- It's / They are + 方位词 + 相对物。例:
A: Where is the trash bin?    B: It's near the table.
Unit 6:In a Nature Park、 话题:自然景物、时态:一般现在时
river (河流)  flower (花) grass (草)lake (湖泊)forest(森林)path (路) pake (公园) picture (照片)hourse (房子)bridge (桥)  tree (树)  road (公路)   building (建筑物)clean (干净的)
There be句型的一般疑问句:--- Is / Are there + 某物 + 某地?--- Yes, there is / are. No, there isn't / aren't.
例1: A: Is there a forest in the park?    B: Yes, there is.
例2: A: Are there any pandas in the mountains?   B: No, there aren't.