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第二课时 视听表演课

第一步 作业检

1. Remind students of what they have learnt in Reading.

2.     Showing their design of a bank-note: 1,000,000 in each group of four.

第二步 戏剧表演简介

戏剧是一种综合的舞台艺术。我们这里讲的戏剧实际上是剧本,它是文学体裁的一种。戏剧语言包括任务语言(台词)和舞台说明(stage directions)。舞台说明是写在剧本每一幕的开端、结尾和对话中间的说明性的文字,内容包括人物表、时间、地点、服装、道具、布景,以及人物的表情、动作、上下场等,它具有增强舞台气氛、烘托人物心情,展示人物性格、推动情节发展等多种作用。

第三步 DVD视听欣赏、模仿


1. Role-setting: 1Henry; 2Roderick; 3Oliver; 4Narrator and Servant;

2. 观赏电影、模仿片中人物的表演与配音,注意语音、语调训练。

3. 小组表演抽查与评比。

第四步 语言学习

1make a bet, go ahead, by accident, stare at; to be honest, account for; be jealous of;

● make a bet: make an arrangement to risk money, etc. on an event of which the result is unknown. 

e.g. We made a bet on the result of the match.

● to be honest: to tell you the truth; to be frank

e.g. To be honest, I don’t think we have a chance of winning.

2 He is lost in London.

3 Permit me to lead the way, sir.

permit or allow sb. to do sth.

e.g. My mother doesn’t permit me to ride in the street after it rained.

4 As a matter of fact, I landed in Britain by accident.

by accident: as a result of chance


I only foundit by accident.

5His eyes stare at what is left of the brothers’ dinner on the table.

stare at: look at somebody or something with the eyes wide open in a fixed gaze. (demonstrated by a volunteer student)

e.g. 盯着陌生人看是不礼貌的。

It’s bad manners to stare at strangers.

6I earned my passage by working as an unpaid hand, which accounts for my appearance.

account for: be the explanation of sth: explain the cause of sth.

e.g. His illness accounts for his absence.

Please account for your behaviour.

第五步 Discussion/Debate: Is money everything?

Agree or disagree? Collect their different opinions.

第六步 作业布置

Further practice of the play and get ready for another performance in class.

Make a sentence with each of the phrases learned today.